Chisum Territory

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Chisum Territory

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Let us begin with a single, thought-provoking question: “Have we lost?” As you read that, did your mind race to identify what exactly we might have lost, or did you stop and feel a profound sense of introspection within yourself?

We live in a nation that was established upon a bedrock of distinct principles, lofty ideals and enduring values. We, the people of New Mexico, appear to have lost our sense of identity and purpose. We are no longer anchored by that original, God-given foundation. In a broader scope, we, as Americans, consent to be governed by a republican form of state government that is sovereign, limited and representative of the people.

Have we abdicated our inalienable rights? Have we lost our courage to stand against the Progressive agenda and a tyrannical government that is determined to destroy the American way of life?

No reasonable person would argue with these facts:

  • The state of New Mexico is no longer a sovereign state, free from outside interference. We, as the people of New Mexico, have virtually no control over our political affairs. The Constitution of the state of New Mexico is ignored and violated by state government.
  • The government of the state of New Mexico is not divided into three, co-equal, discernably separate branches. This lack of separation has resulted in a lack of checks and balances. The people of New Mexico are not equally represented at the state or federal level.
  • The elections in New Mexico are conducted with an illegal, noncompliant voting system that is now shielded from public oversight and inspection, preventing accurate outcomes and stifling the voice of the people regarding representation.
  • The Constitution and laws of the State of New Mexico are often ignored or manipulated by the state government and its agencies. The large portion of the judiciary has been captured and illegally influenced by special interests. Many of the policies of the government of New Mexico are incompatible to the financial well-being, principles and values of most of the people in eastern and southeastern New Mexico. The government of the state and its agenda are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and compact entered into.

In contrast to the current state of affairs, envision a future where the seeds of hope we have sown into Chisum will grow into a legacy that illuminates generations to come. Picture a land brimming with endless potential, where the opportunity to forge this legacy is within our grasp. Chisum, a place where the dreams of our children are not just encouraged, but nurtured, with education, stability, safety and liberty, ensuring that the unlimited possibilities we imagine today become the realities of the generations that follow. Imagine if you will, your children and grandchildren living and prospering in Chisum, “A land of Opportunity.”

We are Standing at an Historic Crossroads! We are proposing a matter of profound Constitutional significance concerning the fundamental principles that underpin our Republic. The foundation of our nation is built upon the guarantee of a republican form of government, as enshrined in Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution. This guarantee is not a mere formality, but a sacred commitment to the rule of law, representative democracy and the protection of individual rights.

Increasingly, the actions and policies of the state of New Mexico are raising concerns regarding the adherence of the nation’s foundational principles. As such, we are compelled to explore extraordinary measures to remedy these violations and to ensure the preservation of our American ideals.


This measure, though unprecedented, is the Reversion, of multiple counties from the jurisdiction of the State of New Mexico to the status of an incorporated U.S. Territory. This proposal is not put forth lightly, nor without a deep understanding of its legal, political and social implications. It is, however, a response to a profound and pressing need to uphold the integrity of our nation’s commitment to a republican form of government.

The Territory of Chisum and subsequently, the State of Chisum will embody the sacred and distinct principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, which are, the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, equality, the right of the people to challenge the authority of a tyrannical government and the belief that people have the right to govern themselves through consent and with vigilance.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees that we the people have the right to petition the government. Unfortunately, in New Mexico, that right is severely limited, denied or completely suppressed. The New Mexico judiciary, and for that matter, much of the New Mexico government, is irreparably infected and dangerously close to being captured by radical Progressives and/or corrupt, outside influences.

  • Multiple efforts in the past several years have been pursued to address the issues that have led us to seek the remedy of Chisum territorial designation. Those efforts include citizens’ petitions for grand jury investigations, referendum petitions of laws and local ordinances. Multiple lawsuits have been attempted on matters related to Covid shutdowns, public health mandates, late-term abortion, property rights, election integrity, redistricting, government agencies exceeding authority, elected officials exceeding authority and more. Most, if not all of these citizen-initiated efforts have been thwarted by the government of the State of New Mexico either by nonsensical judicial rulings, technicalities, lawfare, manipulation of the legal process, blatant abuse of authority, political trickery and coercion. The State of New Mexico is currently exploiting the people, property and resources of eastern and southeastern counties to further an agenda that is in stark contrast with the morals and principles held by the vast majority of its people. Reversion to territorial status will end this exploitation.


Are we prepared to stand by while our children and grandchildren are deprived of the promise of America? Reversion to territorial status will restore that promise.

  • Reversion will return our schools to local control. Our children and their educators are subjected to an overly bureaucratic education system that has failed in every way imaginable.
  • Reversion will benefit small businesses. The policies of the State of New Mexico are detrimental and often fatal to small business. Reversion will salvage existing small businesses while providing a stable regulatory environment for expansion and start-ups.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

  1. Is the State of New Mexico operating in accordance with the founding principles of our nation?
  2. Do you feel free to live your life and pursue a secure economic future without undue interference from state government?
  3. Do we live in a state that enacts laws that help secure the rights and privileges intended for all Americans?
  4. Are you willing to live the rest of your life under the imminent threat of the next so-called public health emergency? Can you accept unconstitutional state laws that remove parental rights and local control?
  5. Are you prepared to live the rest of your life knowing you did not seize an opportunity to help secure for our children and future generations, the American dream and way of life? Are you prepared to tell your children and grandchildren that you were not willing to fight for their future? That you accepted the fact that their lives would be controlled by a tyrannical, out-of-control government?

Any reasonable person would answer each of those simple questions with an emphatic “NO!”


The process of seeking designation as an Incorporated Territory of the United States will not be the path of least resistance, but it will be the path of our highest calling. The vast majority of people in southeastern and eastern New Mexico have no voice on the national stage. Reversion to territorial status and expedited process of statehood will elevate the people of Chisum to having two U.S. Senators and at least one U.S. Representative. Imagine the positive consequences we would have on national elections and policy.

The period of time between territorial designation and statehood will reduce the number of Representatives from New Mexico by one, so short-term, Chisum’s non-voting delegate to the House will replace one of the New Mexico Progressive Democrat Representatives.

The State of New Mexico will no longer have access to the substantial resources of eastern and southeastern New Mexico. The State of New Mexico is currently using those resources to advance an agenda that violates the conscience of the majority of the people living in eastern and southeastern New Mexico.

Chisum’s designation as a U.S. Territory will mark a monumental shift in American politics, signaling unprecedented change and new possibilities for national governance. This historic move will reshape the political landscape and redefine the balance of power nationwide.


  • Structure of Government:
    In Chisum, the Constitution of the United States will remain the supreme law of the land, as it is supposed to be. The government of the Territory of Chisum will resemble the previous territorial government of NM. The basic structure of the territorial government will have a governor, secretary and legislature, consisting of two separate chambers. We have a template. The counties that are within the boundaries and jurisdiction of Chisum will keep the current county government as structured, as will municipalities. This includes law enforcement.

  • Courts:
    The municipal courts will keep the current structure. The District Courts will be restructured with two, possibly three districts, with district judges assigned to each district, similar to the current judicial system. A territorial Supreme Court and Appellate will be established, similar to the current system.

  • Infrastructure:
    The responsibility of most of the infrastructure within the boundaries of Chisum is currently the responsibility of the counties and municipalities. The maintenance of infrastructure currently under the responsibility of the state will likely shift to the counties as is practical: roads, bridges, etc.

  • Schools:
    The public schools within Chisum will be under the authority and control of the local school boards. The specifics of the education system, including the funding of schools and universities, is a complex matter. The territorial government will fund those entities in a similar manner to the current system. The advantage of establishing a new system is avoiding the obvious mistakes and failure of the current system.

  • Services and Funds:
    The operations of the federal government and services it provides within the Territory of Chisum should not be significantly affected, if at all. The infrastructure and state agencies that operate within the boundaries of Chisum will become the responsibility of the territorial government. The specifics of those issues such as employment retirement funds, sovereign wealth funds and asset divisions will be addressed in the Chisum Organic Act, which is essentially the application for territory status, submitted to U.S. Congress.

  • Organic Act Establishing the Territory of Chisum:
    The U.S. Congress will require a comprehensive plan on how the Territory of Chisum will address these issues. Additionally, Chisum, in its Organic Act, will need to address monetary matters such as tax structure, capital outlay, budgets and management of the revenue generated by activities such as grazing, leasing right of ways and extraction of natural resources such as oil and gas on territorial land (formerly state land). The income to Chisum from federal land and its resources will be significant and a priority issue. The Territory of Chisum will be generating income beginning day one. The systems and policies to facilitate the collection and distribution of that income will be a major consideration as to the timing of the transition of income and assets from the State of New Mexico to the territorial government of Chisum. From a practical position, this will in many ways be very difficult - but consider the alternative: the status quo has become unbearable.
  • Path to territorial designation is through U.S. Congress, not the State of New Mexico:
    The path for Chisum’s territorial designation directly through Congress is clearly defined by the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution of the State of New Mexico, the Organic Act Establishing New Mexico Territory and the Enabling Act for the State of New Mexico.
    The government of the State of New Mexico, through its violations of the Guarantee Clause and the compact with the United States, has placed the jurisdiction of this matter within the authority of the U.S. Congress. By established law, this matter is not within the authority or jurisdiction of Federal or State Courts. If the government of the State of New Mexico chooses to challenge this action, that challenge will be heard in Congress. Considering the political climate in Washington, D.C., that challenge will likely fail. The time is right to remove ourselves and our future from years of corrupt, tyrannical, state government. Our past political and legal disappointments, defeats and struggles have brought us here.

Forming the Territory of Chisum and eventually the Statehood of Chisum will likely be the most consequential events most of us will ever have the opportunity to directly participate in.

We started this with a question: “Have we lost?” The answer to that question is within each of us. Now is the time to answer it. As we begin this significant journey to establish the U.S. Territory of Chisum, may our courage, determination and God’s blessings light the path forward. This will be an historic effort. God speed to all who are part of it.

Thank You,
The Chisum Territorial Alliance